Month: December 2007
Massive update!
Read More: Massive update!It’s been a long time between updates here at SteveGerlach.com, due mainly to work and editing commitments. However, we hope to rectify that in the new year, and to also bring you some very exciting exclusives in the months ahead. For now, let’s play a little catch-up, as we bring you up to speed with…
Gerlach UK Paperback releases announced!
Read More: Gerlach UK Paperback releases announced!Excellent news reaches us that Screaming Dreams Press in the UK has signed and sealed a deal to release paperback editions of all Gerlach novels. The first release will be LAKE MOUNTAIN early in 2008. Here’s what Screaming Dreams editor, Steve Upham, had to say in a recent email newsletter: I’ve updated the What’s New…
New author photos
Read More: New author photosOver the next few months we’ll be updating the Biography section of stevegerlach.com with some well-overdue author photos. The first is uploaded now… just who owns the Jeep in the background, we wonder?
LAKE MOUNTAIN Lettered editions complete!
Read More: LAKE MOUNTAIN Lettered editions complete!Check out the images below to see the wonderful Lettered editions of LAKE MOUNTAIN. Bloodletting Press have done a fantastic job on these copies, which will accompany the metal tray case pictured in our April 7 update. These are already SOLD OUT from the publisher, but a search of the web may turn up a…
1000 Mettle Folds cover artwork released
Read More: 1000 Mettle Folds cover artwork releasedWe also have an exclusive sneak peek at the cover artwork that will be gracing Book One of the 1000 Mettle Folds series, which is also being released by Bloodletting. Current artwork is below, and the same style and feel will grace all five books in the series.
Read More: It’s official! LAKE MOUNTAIN and LOVE LIES DYING now SOLD OUT!Bloodletting Press announced this week that the limited edition hardback versions of both LAKE MOUNTAIN and LOVE LIES DYING are now SOLD OUT from the publisher! This is terrific news, but it means if you haven’t yet got your copies, you should order ASAP from any of the usual online venues! Hurry before the remaining…
LAKE MOUNTAIN Lettered Edition traycase design!
Read More: LAKE MOUNTAIN Lettered Edition traycase design!www.bloodlettingbooks.com has released photos of the final design for the lettered edition traycase of LAKE MOUNTAIN. As you can see, the traycase is designed as a trailer (or caravan, depending where you live in the world) and looking through the window, you can see Raven staring out at you. There’s even a little light inside, so…
HUNTING ZOE to follow by end of the year! Artwork already avail!
Read More: HUNTING ZOE to follow by end of the year! Artwork already avail!Following the success of LOVE LIES DYING Bloodletting Press quickly announced the follow-up “sequel” HUNTING ZOE would follow by the end of 2007. This new edition is a signed limited edition hardback of only 300 copies. If you purchased LOVE LIES DYING through Bloodletting, they’ll be able to match your numbers. This edition will include…
LOVE LIES DYING now available in USA!
Read More: LOVE LIES DYING now available in USA!It’s been worth the wait! Yes, Zoe is finally invading the USA with LOVE LIES DYING now available through www.bloodlettingbooks.com and www.shocklines.com. Copies are selling quickly, especially with the Bloodletting Press announcement that the “sequel” HUNTING ZOE will follow quickly by the end of the year. So, here’s your chance to pick up the Gerlach novels EVERYONE’s talking…
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WITHIN HIS REACH and AUTOPSY available again!
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