Category: Uncategorized
HUNTING ZOE shipping soon…
Read More: HUNTING ZOE shipping soon…The word from Wild Roses Productions is that Hunting Zoe should be shipping sometime this month. Seems the publisher has encountered some problems with the printers. But we believe this is all under control now. Soon, Zoe will be unleashed on the world…again! For more details see the news page on the http://www.wildrosesproductions.com website.
Bloodletting Press edition of RAGE
Read More: Bloodletting Press edition of RAGEThe Bloodletting Press edition of RAGE is set to be shipping on the 16th of January – make sure you’ve got your order in, because they’re selling very fast! Orders can be placed at http://www.bloodlettingbooks.com and also at http://www.shocklines.com.
Rage contest
Read More: Rage contestRecently, to celebrate the release of the paperback version of RAGE, Steve came up with this wonderful competition which will see the biggest Gerlach fan with a copy of his new novel, LAKE MOUNTAIN! Here’s the word from Steve: Anyone who provides a photo of themselves standing by copies of RAGE in the stores will…
RAGE paperback available now
Read More: RAGE paperback available nowThe mass market paperback edition of RAGE is now available in US stores. Make sure you get in there a grab yourself a copy – and remember to take a camera (see below!). Also, check out the Leisure Books site at http://www.dorchesterpub.com/features/08439-5311-X_ltr.htm for an exclusive word from Steve regarding the origins of RAGE. This link…
Gerlach Merchandise now available
Read More: Gerlach Merchandise now availableGet your own little piece of TeamGerlach! After great demand for products other than books for our Street Team to wear and use, the Steve Gerlach web shop is now open for business! Check it out here. You’ll find shirts, bags, clocks, aprons – just about anything a Gerlach Fan could need or want. Go…
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Released after all these years… and ready for revenge!
Well, it’s been a while… but we’re back with another Christmas surprise… 2023 ends with a bang – with INJUSTICE now available in paperback for the first time ever! Bob Faulkner stands accused of a crime he didn’t commit; the violent rape of a sixteen year old which has torn the community apart. With no…
The hunt begins anew! She’s baaaack!
Nothing says Christmas like a new Gerlach novel, and I’m happy to report a terrific way to round out 2018… with HUNTING ZOE and Other Tales… now updated and available in paperback for the first time ever! Relive the story of Zoe and John, in the sequel which takes place in the real world… This release…
WITHIN HIS REACH and AUTOPSY available again!
Happy New Year to all my readers! I’m very proud to announce the re-release of some work over the Christmas period that may have escaped your notice: WITHIN HIS REACH, the Twilight Zone-inspired acclaimed novella, is back in paperback for the first time in years. Also, it’s fantastic to have the Autopsy series of books…