We’ve brought stevegerlach.com screaming into the…well… the 21st Century, with a complete site overhaul and upgrade.. We hope you like it. I think it’ll be much easier to navigate and find those news updates you’re after. The navigation has moved to the top right side of the site, in the new navigation bar, and we’ve instituted tags, so from now on you can even search for updates on specific books, artwork, stories and so on.
Also note I now have an RSS feed, for those who prefer to get their updates pushed to them via RSS and not just via email. Subscribe to the RSS here, or at the bottom of the navigation bar. I’ll migrate away from email updates to RSS in the coming months.
So, feel free to have a look around the new site and let us know what you think of the new design. Feel free to report any missing images or links to us as well. The site may have changed, but the email is the same.